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There are 4 entries in the glossary.

Pages: 1

Term Definition

Cables, poles, conduit, microwave, or carrier equipment, central office distributing frames, central office switching equipment, computers (both hardware and software), business machines, etc., used by a service provider to provide telecommunications services.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)A federal government agency authorized by the Communications Act of 1934 to regulate interstate and international telecommunications originating in the United States. The FCC plays a role in implementing the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Fiber OpticsCommunications technology that uses thin filaments of glass or other transparent materials. Fiber optic technology offers extremely high transmission speeds, allowing for data-intensive services such as video on demand.
Frame RelayHigh-performance interface or packet-switched networks. Considered more efficient than X.25 (which it is expected to replace). Frame relay technology can handle "bursty" communications that have rapidly changing bandwidth requirements.

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